The importance of warranties in a contract

Warranties in a contract are important for several reasons, including but not limited to:

  • providing a buyer with an assurance that the goods or services being purchased will meet certain standards or specifications;
  • protecting a buyer against defects or issues that may arise with the goods or services after purchase;
  • helping a buyer to assess the quality of the goods or services before making a purchase;
  • limiting a seller’s liability in the event of problems with the goods or services; and
  • helping to establish trust and confidence in the buyer-seller relationship.

It’s important to note that warranties can be express or implied.

Express warranties are explicitly stated in the contract, while implied warranties are not explicitly stated, but are assumed to be included in the contract based on the nature of the transaction.

It is recommended that parties consult a lawyer when drafting or reviewing a contract to ensure they are aware of their obligations and rights under the contract and at law.

Please feel free to reach out to Arena Law should you have any queries in this area.